Why You Should Schedule Your Annual Furnace Inspection Skip to main content

We’re in the season of winterizing garages and making sure our heaters or furnaces are prepared for the upcoming Midwest winter.

While you’re putting away your lawn mowers, and bringing out your snow blower and shovels, you should consider having a technician check-up on your furnace to ensure it’s also ready for the new season.

Is the annual HVAC equipment check up is really necessary?

Similar to oil change appointments and dentist visits, a yearly maintenance visit on your HVAC equipment lessens the chances of any breakdowns, while ensuring your equipment is running efficiently.

While at your house, the technicians look at things such as safety controls, the heat exchanger, motor and more. They’ll also check the furnace for carbon monoxide, and provide a printed combustion analysis report.

What’s included in the Check up?

  • Check safety controls, thermostat & wiring
  • Check & adjust gas input as needed
  • Inspect heat exchanger & venting
  • Inspect burners, flame sensor & pilot
  • Inspect motor & blower wheel (oil as needed)
  • Inspect condition of bearings & belt (if applicable)
  • Check filter and change with customer supplied filter as needed
  • Test furnace/water heater for carbon monoxide & provide a printed combustion analysis report